Stalker Call Of Pripyat Easy Money
Better to search for looting dead NPC (bandits of course!)? Or to sell part of killed mutants? Or artifacts search? (but I do not have the right suit for this!).
I had 90,000 ru after the bloodsuckers quest, then I went to the sout of Zaton and killing some bandits, trying to go to the ironforest (where a controller kills me even before I can see it) and go back to the Skadovks looking for food for the mercenary and Killing other bandits on the way home, I had to did these shopping:
- food
- ammos
- repairs (a new heavy overcoat)
And even selling the income of my loot I have only 10,000 ru. How can I go ahead with the game if I do not have money for a suite to go to the plateau with Noah or seraching artifacts or going to the choppers areas? And if I do not have money for ammos and repairing my gear?
Thus far the best way to make money is to raid and kill Bandits and Mercs.In Zaton you can move around Ranger station, Substation workshop and Fuelling station and kill and loot any ammo and everything that is not bad ammo or food that isn't imported.In Yanov you can move around Checkpoint, Ventilation complex and the entrance to it and Container warehouse.Moving between the areas in those Zaton and Yanov should provide you with decent amount of people to shoot and loot and given that you don't get hit too much or waste too much ammo you should make a nice profit.
Edited by: Dopubalimatu
Just kill everything that moves, pick up everything and drop all pistols that you pick up and keep good/rare rifles that you find. Sometimes if they're good quality repairing the rifle and then selling it will net you a profit.
Hunting fleshes and boars is how I keep up with basic costs, like food and repairs. It's reliable money, and you can do it when there's not enough time to travel other places before night.
Attacking groups of people is definitely the most profitable in the current patch, so long as you can fight well enough not to get your outfit and helmet shot to hell while doing it. AP ammo is a must if you plan on easily killing anything but a low ranked bandit.
Artifact hunting is kind of tough without a good suit, but the Claw anomaly is relatively safe. Provided you use bolts and keep on your toes, you can get in and out with radiation being the only danger. A gas mask and radioprotectant will neutralize that though. I've found up to three artifacts in there at a time, so it should return your investment in those two pieces of equipment relatively quickly. A word of warning though, the gravitational artifacts it spews out are very heavy. Around 13kg per artifact. Pack light if you plan on going there, and think about bringing some Hercules drug.
Edited by: lamekupo007
Also make sure you're selling the right things to the right traders for maximum sell price. I always check sell prices between them if I'm not sure and sometimes you'll be pleasantly surprised
Make sure you're looting stashes. Doing the first 3 missions (the hit, dredge station artifact, ranger station) looting the bodies and hitting all the stashes along the way (1xSkadovsk, 4xShevchenko + 2 at the start of the pipeline, 5x Ranger Station.....Not sure if there are more at these area's) yielded me with 150k for 15 minutes of gameplay.
Edited by: Yastiandrie
You had 90k and lost 80k just for food/ammo and repair?
Next time, dont repair your suit but buy a new (and better one!) ;-)
always keep your gear in good condition, otherwise it gets really expensive repairing it.
For making money, the cheapest way:
follow a group of stalkers and loot all those mutants they shoot, doesnt even cost ammo
You can easily go articaft hunting at the dredge station (if there is anything) or the claw anomaly (for both you need a gasmask, nothing more). If you have a good toxic resistance (the good gasmask can be enough) you can try the oakpine-anomaly but consider putting your armor off if you dont need it for attachments, then it doesnt get damaged.
And just a tip, dont know how often it works, but keep your detector out when you are near anomalies, I once found an artifact just lying in the gras near that psy-anomaly.
Well, i make money by killing any living human apart of skadowsk in the vicinity, at the moment the kill count on my stats shows 519 humans murdered and about 160 mutants killed, im still in zaton
Oh yes, Seeigel makes a good point. Repair costs are logarithmic, so it's imperative you repair as often as you can to keep costs down. I repair everything as soon as I make it back to base.
Also, anything below 50% becomes more expensive to repair than to buy an entirely new one.
lamekupo007 wrote: Oh yes, Seeigel makes a good point. Repair costs are logarithmic, so it's imperative you repair as often as you can to keep costs down. I repair everything as soon as I make it back to base.
Also, anything below 50% becomes more expensive to repair than to buy an entirely new one.
I even take the glue tubes with me on my "missions" so I can repair on the fly. Same with gun oil
I think the best way to make money is to actually collect artifacts. You can yield a handsome profit collecting firearms by altering the repair items and decreasing the minimum repair stat/increasing the repair enhancement of repair items. However the best way to actually make money playing clean is to collect artifacts it even gets easier as the game goes on when you get the svarog detector and place the scanners in the Yanov anomalies.
The thing that really bothers me in Misery is that it's near impossible to find a weapon that is above 90% condition. I mean that is just tedium overkill high level stalkers, mercs, and faction members should carry weapons in good condition.
Edited by: wal_martian
lamekupo007 wrote: Oh yes, Seeigel makes a good point. Repair costs are logarithmic, so it's imperative you repair as often as you can to keep costs down. I repair everything as soon as I make it back to base.
Also, anything below 50% becomes more expensive to repair than to buy an entirely new one.
Ah not really. If I pick up a 50%, all I need is 1x repair kit for about $6000 to bring it to 85% then a few small kits for about $700 to get it to 100%. Maybe a total of $8000 as opposed to buying a new gun which would be upwards of $20,000. People just need to learn the repair system and the various kits and you'll save a lot. Unfortunately the mod team didn't really explain it in any detail hence everyone complaining how it is too expensive.
I'd recommend against using an NPC to repair anything unless it is only a few percent of damage, always use kits even if you have to buy the kit off a trader.
Edited by: Gyrfalkon
I get easy money but going out and hunting stalkers .
Gyrfalkon wrote:
Ah not really. If I pick up a 50%, all I need is 1x repair kit for about $6000 to bring it to 85% then a few small kits for about $700 to get it to 100%. Maybe a total of $8000 as opposed to buying a new gun which would be upwards of $20,000. People just need to learn the repair system and the various kits and you'll save a lot. Unfortunately the mod team didn't really explain it in any detail hence everyone complaining how it is too expensive.
I'd recommend against using an NPC to repair anything unless it is only a few percent of damage, always use kits even if you have to buy the kit off a trader.
Ah yes, good point. I hadn't thought about that.
The only time I've ever tried to use a repair kit was after my Sphere 08 was shot to hell when I stumbled on a group of three bandits at close range. Unfortunately, helmet repair kits don't work yet, so I was stuck with a 16k repair bill from Nitro.
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Easy Money
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